The Road to
Success Doesn't Have to be Driven Solo
I remember when I first started building websites and trying to get into internet marketing. It was quite a doozy! I've made many mistakes, many poor choices and it has costed me plenty of money. Thankfully for you, my mistakes will help you get the most out of what I am hoping to provide for you.
Businesses Helped
Years of Marketing
Years of Consulting
Personal Business Startups
Trust is a precious commodity.
I understand that you are here because you believe you may need help...and due to that. I can 100% respect that right now; you're putting all your trust in me. That's why my approach may be a bit different than other businesses out there.
But the truth is - you need to have more trust in yourself.
Look, teaching strategy, tactics and “techniques” is great and all. Especially when it comes to advertising, applying global or local SEO and other practices. And while finding the “how to” guide online is simple – understanding the “why” is very rarely taught.

``Experience Trumps Hyperbole``
- Doug Johnson``Experience Trumps Hyperbole``
- Doug JohnsonEntrepreneur and Coaching Blog
Most People Die At 27…
...but they are buried at 72. That really hit home with me when I heard it once. Primarily because it's true. Think about it, a majority of college graduates go to school and get their Master's or Bachelors. They're out by 25-30.
Popularity is a Byproduct of Being Consistent
Popularity is overrated, people. Seriously, why is it so important to people? Why is it something people strive for and in some cases
Being Average and What it Really Means
We've all been bitten by the "average bug" before. We've all had someone tell us that we were average in some way or the other. Being average at sports, at sales, at business, at cooking or anything else that comes