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He happens to know a thing or two about entrepreneurial coaching, marketing, brand awareness - and he's willing to help.

Meet Doug,


The Road to
Success Doesn't Have to be Driven Solo

I remember when I first started building websites and trying to get into internet marketing. It was quite a doozy! I've made many mistakes, many poor choices and it has costed me plenty of money. Thankfully for you, my mistakes will help you get the most out of what I am hoping to provide for you.

Businesses Helped
Years of Marketing
Years of Consulting
Personal Business Startups

Trust is a precious commodity.

I understand that you are here because you believe you may need help...and due to that. I can 100% respect that right now; you're putting all your trust in me. That's why my approach may be a bit different than other businesses out there. But the truth is - you need to have more trust in yourself. 😉

Look, teaching strategy, tactics and “techniques” is great and all. Especially when it comes to advertising, applying global or local SEO and other practices. And while finding the “how to” guide online is simple – understanding the “why” is very rarely taught.

What Can My
Coaching Do For You?

Tell me what you're having the most issues with; we will sit down and lay it out to get a big picture.

This cleverly worded title is simply me going through your current email marketing strategies (if any) and help suggest any additional steps you could take to further increase your revenue.

This is just a really boring way to say: I'll take a look at your current marketing campaigns to see if they suck... But I'll explain WHY.

You've been doing this a long time and you may feel like you have tunnel vision. Getting a clear picture with actionable (and understandable) information - together we will see what steps can be taken in a way that should feel less daunting.

Well, for starters – your best bet would simply be to reach out to me via my contact page. Tell me some of what you’re struggling with. We can coordinate a time where we can Skype or Chat, or even meet locally (providing you’re living locally of course). 

``Experience Trumps Hyperbole``
- Doug Johnson
``Experience Trumps Hyperbole``
- Doug Johnson

Entrepreneur and Coaching Blog